* Here is another idea for bubbles. You will need styrofoam cups, rubber bands, straws that do not bend, and a piece of cotton cloth. Fill the cup ¼ of the way with solution. poke a hole near the top with the straw and insert. Cover the top with a square of cloth (I use an old piece of flannel or cut up towel) secured with the rubber band. Then have the children blow into the straw and watch the bubbles come out the top. If it works right, the bubbles will be in one long continous piece...really cool. * My verson of Bubble Painting: I add food coloring to my bubble mixture, then blow your bubbles through your wand. The children try to catch the bubbles with a piece of white construction paper, (cut into any shape you wish). This makes a beautiful design. Just make sure the children are wearing smocks, because sometimes the bubbles land on them. And because of the food coloring it will stain thier clothing. * POEM:  Blowing Bubbles by Ericka Northrop Come with me; forget your troubles. We'll take some soap and make some bubbles! We can make them big or small; It isn't very  hard at all. I can't be angry, sad or blue When blowing bubbles-now, can you? Just blow your blues into each one. We'll watch them sparkle in the sun. We'll send them out into the sky. There go your troubles! Poof! Bye-bye. *    Personally, when I amke the HUGE bubbles, all I use is a piece of cotton string, about 24 inches long, tehn I tie the two ends together, dip the string (and my hands) into the mix.  Carefully open, and hold open so that you can see the film of soap, pull backwards, and tadah!!  I have made bubbles over 6 feet in length.  It is very easy this way.  I hope I have given you some info you haven't heard of!