Art: Yellow construction paper teeth, white paint ("toothpaste" - I scented mine with mint extract) and toothbrushes. Have chidren brush the yellow teeth with the white paint. I framed the completed 'smiles with red construction paper lips! Art II: Group collage: magazine pictures of smiles. (Not whole faces, just mouths - any kind - human or animal!) Sensory: Cut the bottoms off of lg plastic soda bottles and turn them upside down - they look like teeth! I secured a dozen or so together. Spray them with shaving creme and give the kids toothbrushes to brush the teeth clean. Science: Scrounge some small white ceramic tiles (from construction sites, tile stores, parents who are remodeling etc). Provide children with a variety of food products to smear on the tiles such as: jelly, ketchup, syrup,peanut butter etc, have children brush the teeth with toothbrushes and real toothpaste. Which tiles are stained? Group Time/Math: graph favorite toothpaste flavors - mint, bubble gum or fruit? Dramatic Play: Dentist office (call your dentist for donations!) Field Trip: Dentist Office - Where else!?! Book - Scholastic - Let's Find Out About: Toothpaste * One thing we do when doing dental health is to hard boil an egg ahead of time. Then we bring in some dark soda. We place the egg in the soda for a day. Then the next day we talk about why we should keep our teeth clean and how we can keep them clean. Then we take the egg out. It is discolored, yellow, looks like plaque. We take a tooth brush with a little tooth paste, thats how we fit in how much they should be using, and brush it off. It REALLY comes off. They love it. They each get a turn.