1) Some Ideas we did recently at home and playgroup with the children I look after on hands as a theme. 1.Fill coloured disposable rubber gloves with water and tie them, to make hand puppets. 2. Freeze one of the puppets overnight to see what happens. In the morning take the glove of to investigate. 3.Do a hand print in "Salt Clay".    -Mix 1 1/2 cups of salt            4 cups flour            1 1/2 cups water    When dough forms a ball around the spoon. knead the dough well, adding water if it is to crumbly.    Set the oven at 150 degrees Celcius and bake until hard (keep an eye on it in the oven).     This when cool can be painted with paint and decorated if wanted. 4.Draw around the hand of the child on paper a number of times to make a pattern. Older children could do this for themselves. 5.Make a hand print painting. 6. Finger paint with different types of paint. 7.Draw faces on the children's finger to make puppets. 8.cut of the finger of rubber gloves and turn these into finger puppets. 9.Finger Rhyme: Open Shut Them Open, shut them,open shut them, (open and shut finger on both hands) Give a little clap, (give a clap) Open, shut them, Open, shut them,(repeat line 1) Lay the in your lap. ( put your hands in your lap) Creep them, creep them, creep them, (creep your finger up your chest) Right up to your chin, Open wide your little mouth, But do not pop them in.                             Basically follow the rhymes instructions. Falling, falling, falling, falling, Almost to the ground Quickly raise them up again And roll them round and round. 10.Song/Finger Rhyme "Two Fat Gentle men" 11.Song/Finger Rhyme "One Day a Hand Went Walking" 12.Song/Finger Rhyme "Where is Thumbkin?" 13.Making hand shadows on the wall. 14.Hand story. Draw round an adult hand and use the shape to tell a story. Trace round it with a Texta and as you do tell a           story. 2) Healthy Habits Jumbo Toothbrush Help children make oversized toothbrushes.  Use as a bulletin board titled  "Healthy Habits". Fold a 9x12 piece of white const. paper in half.  Draw lines and have children cut up the lines  and make bristles for your tooth brush. Make a brush handle out of colored const. paper.  Put childs name on the handle.  Glue brush onto handle. Also a science project to reinforce brushing.  Put a egg in vinegar for a couple of days, the vinegar will eat off the shell{tooth enamel}. 3) My sneeze song is: I think --I am going to sneeze ..(ha chew!) I think --I am going to sneeze ..(ha chew) If you sneeze, pass the tissue please.... Ha Chew, Ha Chew, Ha Chew I pass around a box of tissue at the very beginning of school. Each child takes one. I teach the song... then we sneeze and then we get up and throw the tissue away.   The practice is a good practice to show them where the dirty tissues belong and that I dont want to have to pick up someone else's dirty tissue. We too, make a picture, but I trace their hand and glue a tissue to it. I title it "I think I am going to sneeze!" b/t/w---if they are not near a tissue, we do use the inside of the elboe trick...works great!!!! 4) Here is  a poem I use with my germ unit. When you cough or when you sneeze, will you think of others please. Use a tissue or your hand, so on friends your germs won't land. We have cut out faces tha the kids put eyes on and glue a kleenex on which we glue a cutout of the childs hand. I'm not sure if anyone else has heard this but the now recomended way is to cough or sneeze into the crook of your arm instead of the hand if no kleenex is available.