*Leaf Wreaths Have the children collect various and interesting leaves. Take a paper plate and cut the center out of it. Have the children glue their leaves around the outer edge to make a wreath. Attach a paper clip on the back and you can display their wreaths on the wall. *Lacing Cards Use old greeting cards you have received and glue the two folds together. Punch holes around the edge in various patterns. Give each children a piece of yarn and they can practice their sewing skills by lacing cards. *Leap Frog Ask the children to play a game of leap frog. Every time they leap over a person, they can say the letter "L". *Lasagna Have the children help you make Lasagna for lunch. They can help layer the noodles, hamburger and sauce. Have someone help cover the dish and set the timer. Select one person to monitor the timer's progress so everyone knows when lunch will be ready. *LOG CABIN Refrigerator box lots of toilet paper rolls glue brushes White glue tagboard Bring box into the classroom. Lay it on its side, cut out a large door and several large windows. Have glue in margarine tubs and the box of paper toilet paper rolls near by. Let the children brush glue on the rolls and attach them in rows to the box. Continue until the whole box is covered with LOGS. *Lion mask Materials: paper plates,craft sticks,masking tape, yellow paint,paint brushes,lion faces, glue,cake pan,scissors Adult: put two pieces of masking tape on the edge of the cake pan, for each child; prepare glue and paint. Give each child a paper plate, and paint the outside crimped edges with yellow paint, down to the center, but not in the center. Allow to dry one hour. Using paint brushes and thinned glue, children glue their lion faces into the center circle of the plate. Using scissors, make cuts from the edge of the plate towards the center, not cutting the face, every 1-2 inches, all the way around. Slightly fold up every other piece, to give dimension. ADULT: Cut out eyes. Place a craft stick on the BACK of the plate, leaving enough for child to hold as handle; have child tape the stick on. *Also see ideas in these files: Themes, Library Extenders, Any Day /Everyday Activities, and Dramatic Play/Prop Boxes for more activities that may start with your focus letter.