* Here is an idea for the letter V. I read the story Growing Vegetable Soup to the children. Then we make vegetable soup, and have a vegetable soup party complete with vegetable hats. Also, we make vegetables out of tissue paper to decorate the room. * How about glue velvet for v -- there are lots of different types so it could develop into a tactile experience, too. * velcro--have children try to find places or objects that velcro will stick to (I think one side is stickier than another so let them try both and make some conclusions on their own) make a chart...stick and no stick classify the objects where they belong. * Valentines -- make a card for a valentine--provide lots of collage type materials and maybe even some heart shaped doillies (sp?) let them deliver it to someone they love--and let the children deliver them in envelopes. Our classes always like envelopes!!!! Sing valentine songs. * V- give each child a little piece of sticky-back velcro. let them put this on a piece of tagboard or poster board. do the same to a little cutout of the letter "V" mounted on board as well. show them how they Velcro the V! (decorate the boards!) * V- the kids paste the "V" cutout on some pretty paper. if your kids use scissors, encourage them to cut around the letter, to amke an inverted triangle- this is the Vase. glue the vase onto pretty paper, and use either real flowers collected from outdoors or real flowers your local florist gave you to use. (I promised my florist a finished project to display, with a hand written thank you note from my kids- they traced it). * For the letter V, you could cut out pictures of vegetables and let the kids glue them on a large V. * "V"- velvet, velcro Letter "v" Body v's- Show the kids how they might use their bodies to make a letter v. Invite them to spread apart their fingers, put their arms together at the elbows and spread their legs apart. * Vanilla - Sponser a Vote on Vanilla party, Set out bitesized samples of vanilla wafers, vanilla ice cream, vanilla frosting, vanilla pudding, vanilla milk shake, and vanilla yogurt. Invite kids to taste each of the treats and then Vote on their favorite! * Violet Velvet "V" - Use scraps of velvet to glue on the letter v. * For the letter V there is an adorable story called Verdi (spanish for green). It's about a green tree python. It's by Janell Cannon of Stellalune fame! * A nice addition to your vegetable soup would be alphabet pasta. Sounds yummy! * My favorite project that we do every year is for the letter v. Have the children cut out vases from wallpaper books, or if they are unable to cut through the paper, use any other kind. Then using the children's thumbs, dip them in purple paint. By showing them how to manuver their thumbs(they need to touch) have four thumb prints touch, they become a violet. They can or you can then take a green thin marker and make the stems. * For V they can glue on small craps of velvet, and for W they can glue on pieces of wallpaper. Sometimes wallpaper stores will give you their old sample books if you ask. I had a friend give me a couple about 8 years ago, and I'm still using them! * day 1 - ditto with the letter Vv they colored it and glued on pictures of vegetables they cut out of magazines day 2 - made violets with tissue paper and construction paper stems and leaves and then we used markers to add other things to our picture, (etc. trees, other flowers, people, grass) day 3 - vest out of paper bags, the kids decorated it by painting designs on the front day 4 - vegetable soup, we made it fresh (all the children brought in some and we cooked it, thanks for the recipes it came out great!) we are also making a picture of it by coloring and glueing predrawn pictures on to a bowl outline.